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Last update:2024/09/19

Vision & Business Policy

Taiwan Financial Holdings

i. TFH

Create business synergies
Build an outstanding financial holding company. ​​​


ii. Bank of Taiwan

A leading bank with global presence.


iii. BankTaiwan Life Insurance

Maximize the value of our government-owned brand.
Offer insurance services keeping pace with the times.


iv. BankTaiwan Securities

Establish sound enterprise management culture.
Enhance FinTech combat power.
Reap Group’s business synergies.
Build an outstanding comprehensive securities firm.



Business Policy
​(1)Improve resource integration strategy to create a wide variety of business synergies.
(2)Build up the group's global financial network to boost its international business capabilities.
(3)Promote digital transformation and innovation and improve cyber security management.
(4)Cultivate personnel with multi-disciplinary expertise to improve their mastery of core skills.
(5)Conduct asset-liability management to align with international capital standards.
(6)Improve internal control and internal audit systems and establish a good compliance regime.
(7)Maintain an ethical business culture and promote sustainable finance.